
It seems by August, we finally get a routine going around the house, about the time that I have to go back to work. Every morning, we get ready for "the big day", eat breakfast, and go out to the garden.
Frick has taken over the picking of the peas. I tried to train the peas to grow up around my bamboo tepees without any success. I planted way too many peas. They vined up around each other and have bogged down to the ground. However, the morning glories are thriving. These are the morning glories that Amy started in the greenhouse at school.

This morning, we found our first red tomato. It was also on a plant grown by Amy.

Frack found the tomato and got to pick it. He then wanted to pick the rest of the "balls" on the plants. So as the Zucchinifest 2008 is coming to an end, the Tomato Blood Bath is about to start.


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